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Thursday, December 20, 2012

[Review] The Law of Attraction

"There is no such thing as a coincidence…
Konon katanya, di dunia ini tidak ada hal yang namanya kebetulan. Karena semua sudah digariskan oleh Yang Maha Kuasa. Bahasa gaulnya mah, udah ada yang ngatur…

Apabila dikaitkan kembali dengan The Law of attraction, maka intinya adalah, ketika lo memikirkan sesuatu dan menginginkannya dengan teramat sangat, maka menurut hukum ketertarikan, seluruh partikel yang ada di semesta ini akan membantu lo untuk mendapatkannya…

Ketika gue memikirkan kalimat tersebut, gue bener bener merasakan kebenarannya…"

Original Quotes by : Erry Andriyati on The Law of Attraction 

Setelah membaca postingan teh Erry tentang artikel "the law of attraction", aku teringat sesuatu. Sesuatu yang memang sudah lama ku impikan. Mungkin disini aku akan menceritakan tentang mimpiku yang sudah ku tulis sejak SD.
Aku adalah anak kampung yang tinggal jauh dari kota, bahkan untuk ke kota kabupaten pun, butuh waktu satu jam perjalanan naik motor. Karena jarak yang jauh dan minimnya kendaraan umum yang beroperasi, akupun jarang pergi ke kota untuk sekedar berlibur ataupun jalan-jalan. Dan jarang banget orang tuaku ngajak jalan-jalan ke kota, alhasil jadilah aku anak kampung yang tidak tau rasanya hidup di kota ㅠ.ㅠ.

Monday, December 17, 2012

[Review] Being a Backpacker in Korea

Ilustrasi: Bagian Gyeongbook Palace "berharap yang di dalam foto adalah aku ^^"
Pertama kali buka blog pribadinya teh Erry, langsung surprise begitu lihat postingan ini. Kenapa? Karena memang dasarnya aku suka sama yang namanya dunia Travelling dan terlebih lagi ada sangkut pautnya sama Korea. Tapi jangan salah, meskipun aku penggemar Korea, aku tetap bangga sama Wisata Indonesia, lihat saja Timeline di awal Blog pribadiku, Visit Indonesia!! ^^

Para travellers jelas sudah akrab dengan istilah Backpacker. Pengertian backpacker secara gampangnya sih, gimana caranya pergi travelling dengan biaya yang murah (lebih ke hemat kali ya...) tapi bisa dapet kepuasan (lahir dan batin nih..) di tempat yang diinginkan =D.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

[K-Info] Lee Wan 's Letter Update

Lee Wan Letter Update from Cafe Daum
Picture Source : Lee Wan 's Fan Cafe

For you who doesn't know about who is Lee Wan, He is Kim Tae Hee's little brother. He was casted in "Tree of Heaven" in 2006 who's become a role player with Park Shin Hye. And because of his Drama series, he's become popular and success embraced the heart's women
Kim Tae Hee and Lee Wan
Actually I'm the new fans of him... and as a fans, I feel lost him as an actor, because after he was discharged from military, there just a little information about his activity nowadays.
Therefore, he's not a socialita... he doesn't have a page in facebook or an account in twitter, also his fanbase "Lovewani" doesn't exist in social network

Unique Pictures

I have some collection photos that I have gotten from some social media. I think that these photos are unique and I give appreciate for someone who has taken these photos. And one more, you rarely can find these pictures from google. so, these are specially just for you all... ^^

Photos Arts using Moon
the moon didn't move,right?

 How amazing this photos, right?^^

Friday, December 14, 2012

Prophet Musa’s Stick

When I searched about something on my notebook, I have found this. 
Maybe I will share this for you all. 
Based on my notes, on Prophet Musa’s Stick there were some notes:
tongkat : ilustrasi

  • A religious man who doesn’t apply his knowledge, he is similar with the devil
  • A leader who act unfair, he is similar with Pharaoh  
  • A Rich people who doesn’t want to give away his wealth for Allah’s ways, he is similar with Qarun 
  •  A poor people who don’t want to be patient, he’s similar with the dog.
“Anything that Allah has given to you, doesn’t ever it would make you forget to Allah. Those Gifts should make us remember His entire gift and make us closer with Allah, so that we wouldn’t trick by the world luxury.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

[Poems] How is life?

How is life?
It is lie...
if I said my life is okay...
to say the truth, actually i'm not okay...

when people see my smile, they couldn't see my tears...
am I wrong if I acted as a cheerful girl in front of people?
I just want people to know how strong I am..
But, I can't act as a strong girl forever..
I'm just a girl.. I'm also human too..