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Saturday, December 15, 2012

[K-Info] Lee Wan 's Letter Update

Lee Wan Letter Update from Cafe Daum
Picture Source : Lee Wan 's Fan Cafe

For you who doesn't know about who is Lee Wan, He is Kim Tae Hee's little brother. He was casted in "Tree of Heaven" in 2006 who's become a role player with Park Shin Hye. And because of his Drama series, he's become popular and success embraced the heart's women
Kim Tae Hee and Lee Wan
Actually I'm the new fans of him... and as a fans, I feel lost him as an actor, because after he was discharged from military, there just a little information about his activity nowadays.
Therefore, he's not a socialita... he doesn't have a page in facebook or an account in twitter, also his fanbase "Lovewani" doesn't exist in social network

The latest information about his "existence" was about his letter in Korean Mini Fan Page called "Daum" on November 2012. Of course for foreigners who can't understand about Hangeul, felt hard to understand what actually he said

This is the original Letter (the letter capture is too small to read and see):

〃 보고 파 ♡ "] 빼빼로 좀 받았 나요 ~~ | ε ★ Э · · · · · · · · 완 이예요, the
★ ★ 태화 ★ ★ | 조회 124 | 추천 0 | 2012.11.12 07:05

어제 빼빼로 데이였네요~ㅡㅡㅋ 수원에서 올해 마지막 오픈경기가 있어서 비가오는 날씨에도 하고 왔어요~~

오랜만에 기사날때마다 축구 사진밖에 없어서 친구들은 축구선수로 전향했냐고 ㅋㅋㅋ 다들 잘지내고 있죠??

전 축구하는 사진만 봐도 알겠죠 건강히 잘지내고 있어요 ㅋㅋ 오늘 아저씨들이라서 살살한다고했는데 찍힌사진들은 무슨 사람잡겠더라구요...ㅡㅡ

요즘 시간 잘가는거 같아요 이제 슬슬 내년작품 대본들도 조금씩 보고 있구요~~ 쵸큼만 기다려줘요~~~^^

갑자기 날씨도 추워지고 바람도 매섭네요~~ 쎌압가족들도 건강 항상 조심하고 감기 조심이요``

빨리 다시 만나는 그날을 위해~~~~^^

Oh Godness, What is that?

Don't be panic!! During I have learned about Hangeul, I will try to translate this letter as well as my knowledge..

So this is What Lee Wan want to say:
Yesterday, I believe that it's time for Peppero Day. In Suwon, there was a final competition's opening, It's raining and the weather was cloudly.
Because of the article for soccer photos were not available for a long time, my friends ask me as a soccer player, did I doing some prospective things? kkkkk..
Did Everybody doing well?

Just by looking at the photo in my soccer activity, you can recognize me that I'm okay and doing well kkkkk..

That is Because today the uncles taken some gently look pictures of me or maybe people have noticed the betrayer (?).

Nowadays, I think to become a writer. As a little information, for next year I have written any script with title '작폼' Jakpom. Please wait a little more ~ ^^

Suddenly, the weather is getting colder, the wind also blow strengthly.

For Selap Family too, please always be healthy and be careful, and be careful not to catch a cold.

I hope we can meet again for that day soon ~ ^^

The Translator : Translator's Notes

Maybe my translation still far from perfect, but at least I have tried to understand other language.
If there are "Lovewani" outside there, please contact me and give your comment in this blog.
Thank You Everyone...

Facebook Fan Page: Lee Wan (Kim Hyung Soo)

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