One of the Building in Kota Tua |
Along the street, there are many seller that sell some of hand made craft, sketch painting, t-shirt and many things...
As i know, "kota tua" have many goverment buildings, which on the past, actually this place was the centre of goverment administration. But unfortunately, on this period, some building are damaged and there is no effort for repairing that old building... so regrettably...
I want to show one of the damaged building on "Kota Tua"...
One of Bank on past time |
For the first time i'm going around on this place, i hope i can see the old building, which popular on TV.
But, when i really went there, there were dissapointed point from my view... although not at all..
At least, i can see Jakarta Museum, Wayang Museum, and walk around that place...
Me and my friends have a chance to take a photo on building which famous for pre-wedding photos....
Because of our curiosity... we tried to find that famous place..
But, after i see that wall (actually just a wall which often used as background)... there are a long and thick roots which patch on the wall...,
See that root and window on the wall |
In "Kota Tua" there are many food seller, so don't worry for being hungry...
Also, there are many drink seller, fried ice (for the first time i was shock, how can the ice proceed with fried, but actually this is just a name. fried ice : long ice which covered with chocolate)
This place is so wide, so don't worry that you will tired soon... because there are many bicycle rent. Just need Rp 10.000-15.000/hour for each bicycle...
So, if you want a cheaper price just divide with your friends, because there are double and three bicycle's pedals.
For the first place, i went to Jakarta Museum...
For entering this museum, it was a cheap price... just need Rp 2000 for general visitor, but for student/university student, just need to pay only Rp 1000...
As i know, at the past, before this building become a museum, it was a goverment building, also an underground prison, and also the place where the prisoner got their punishment.
Because in the museum, there is a place for hanger the prisoner... scary..
and there is placed a doll for imitate the prisoner which hanger on that....
Inside the museum, i can find many meriam, painting, old furniture on the past, gucci, ancient inscription, ancient weapon, and many things...
But the most scary thing is, underground prison...
This prison is located under the building, and this is the most dark placed that i see..
On that prison, there are still many "circle iron" which used for gain weight then chained on the prisoner's foot...
And also i tried to stand on that prisor .... it was so......hmmm... exactly the roof was touched my head...
Oh my Allah... So Cruel...and so depressed... (my imagination was back to that period...)
and something that make me more shocked was, that small prison was used for 30-40 person...
I have heard that, on the past... hundreds prisoner was died because of prisoner's bad condition, malaria, also wet lung...
Aaaah.... i don't want to tell that more.... it's too scary...
There are some photos that i want to show, inside the museum...
Description : tools at the past |
One of Stone Monument |
furniture in Dutch colonize period |
Backyard of the museum |
If the readers want to know the full version of the museum inside, just visit "Old City"...
Because if i take on all my photos on here.. there is no interesting on there anymore...
So... Let's visit this place...
Another museum that i have visited is "wayang Museum"..
As i know, wayang have become on of the Indonesian Culture Heritage that have acknowledge by UNESCO..
Inside this museum, there are many kinds wayang from all region in Indonesia, also there are some dolls and wayang from another country. The one that can't be pass over is "Gamelan", an ancient traditional instrument from Indonesia. Also at the certain day, there will be a Gamelan show
Gamelan Instrument |
Lion Wayang (some of animal character) |
dolls from China (symbol of death ceremony)
Okey...that's enough from me...
to see the complete wayang... just visit that museum....
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